Friday, August 28, 2020

Karen has a passing thought

‘Gee, it’s not looking good Karen. Do you think we should maybe buy less shit’?
Oh no, Jane. It’s not our problem. It’s those fucking greenies who caused the fires’.

David was proud

David was proud of his work in mining. The dead landscape, he thought, had its own particular beauty.

Kev thinks about taxation reform

Kevin suggested tax reform might be good for the economy.
Eyes rolled.
‘They tried that Kev. The mining industry explained it was a dreadful idea’.

Robbie stares into the electoral abyss

Robbie stared into the electoral abyss. ‘I don’t know, Phil. They seem to have worked out we should be backing renewables’.

'Calm down mate. How about a little tree planting program? That's always a good look'.

This medicated life

 Experiments with stamp pad ink, including shadow prints.

This medicated life

print on paper, using recycled packaging

printing ink on paper, 200gm, 18 x 24 cm

stamp pad ink on paper, 200gm, 18 x 24 cm

Studio buddies

 This needs to be in the archive. Walter waiting patiently to play.


 I've been posting on Instagram.  I like the visual focus, but I want to maintain the blog as an archive. 

Recent adventures include:

linoprints, with chatter

linoprint experiments, with ink application/removal

and working back into old prints