Reproducing a previous (contemporaneous) work (watercolour, ink and acrylic on paper) produced during a visit to Berlin in 2012.
Friday, July 18, 2014
The colour of spotted gums
I've been mixing colours. Trying to capture the many colours of the spotted gum. The studio at Barney View is surrounded by spotted gums. Sentries.
Spotted gums
Acrylic on canvas
30cm x 30cm
Ceramic bowl II
This bowl by Diana Pottery (Marrickville, NSW). It belonged to Ian's mother and features an iconic gradation of colour (red/brown - pale green). Again, playing with acrylics and composition after Richard Dunlop.
Acrylic on canvass
30cm x 30cm
After Berlin
Practice with acrylics on canvass. Using acrylics to create new versions of previous works on paper. This image from an afternoon spent drinking coffee with Therese. I will find the original (watercolour and ink on paper) and add to this post for comparison.
Berlin 2014 Acrylic on canvass 30cm x 30cm
Ceramic bowls
Inspired by Robert Dunlop (www.jamesmakingallery) i've been painting ceramic bowls. Blending my love of ceramics and the mystery of the ceramic finish with tutorials in acrylics.
Acrylic on canvass
I'm starting a record of Art @ Barneyview. Histories and new stories of my art practice. Today I bit the bullet and enrolled (officially) in fine arts degree through Murdoch University. I've already completed a few courses but today is the official beginning. Last night I played with acrylics on paper and enjoyed the texture achieved by hand painting. Applying colour with palms and wrists. I like the application of colour with serendipity. I was using a limited palette so I was playing with variations on red-brown and ochre. I thought the images reminiscent of red rock in the outback. So today ...